Summer School 2016

Summer School in Textual Criticism

June 29th – July 8th

University of Ferrara

Department of Humanities

The Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara offers an intensive 8 day summer school in Textual Criticism. The course is addressed to both graduate and PhD students (max. 14 people) in diverse disciplines who would like to improve their knowledge in the field of Textual Criticism and discuss their research topics with colleagues and teachers. The basics and current theories, as well as the presentation of individual research subjects will be covered in the first 4 days. Further days will be spent deepening particular aspects of Textual Criticism, both in modern and classical languages, with particular attention to more recent developments, and discussing individual research.

On Saturday and in some afternoons free guided visits and tours in medieval and Renaissance Ferrara are scheduled.

Among the programme teachers you will find Joydeep Bagchee (Freie Universität Berlin), Dario Bullitta (Siena), Paolo Chiesa (Milano), Peter J. Gurry (Cambridge), Francesco Stella (Siena), Elisabetta Tonello (University e.Campus) and Paolo Trovato (Ferrara).


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