Modes, Church Tones, Tonality. Tonal Spaces, c. 1550- 1720

International Musicological Conference Scientific Committee: Michael Dodds, Marco Mangani, Massimo Privitera, Daniele Sabaino

Dettagli dell'evento


dal 08/11/2018 alle 15:30
al 10/11/2018 alle 13:00


Ferrara, Palazzo Bonacossi

Persona di riferimento

Aggiungi l'evento al calendario

Thursday, Nov 8th
15:30 17:30
Keynote speech 1 - Daniele SABAINO (Pavia Cremona)
The cadence as structural and syntactical tool in classical vocal polyphony: towards a taxonomy for analytical and hermeneutical purposes
Stefano MENGOZZI (Ann Arbor)
Wordless musical concepts: on a cadence by Victoria, ca. 1570
Francesco SAGGIO (Pavia Cremona)
Osservazioni sull’organizzazione dello spazio sonoro nei madrigali di Giaches de Wert

17:30 18:00
Panel Corpus Studies and Late Italian Madrigals: the Tasso in Music Project (Amherst)


20:30 Conference Dinner


Friday, Nov 9th
9:00 12:00
Keynote speech 2 - Massimo PRIVITERA (Palermo)
Monteverdi and the "F-fa-ut”
Carlos C. IAFELICE (São Paulo)
Giovanni Battista Doni’s modal review and aspects of the transposition paradigm applied to music analysis
Thomas POSEN (Montréal)
The symbiotic evolution of modes and psalm tones
Justin LAVACEK (Denton)
Moveable ut and multivalent mi in Italian theory and practice
12:30 14:00 Lunch

14:30 17:30
Keynote speech 3 Marco MANGANI (Ferrara)
What is actually a “plagal” cadence?
Gregory BARNETT (Houston)
b-flat and b-natural, c1600: System versus signature: Pitch aggregate versus key
«Decir en tono»: An approach to church tones from theory to practice
Walter KREYSZIG (Saskatoon)
The correspondence between Johann Mattheson and George Frederic Handel: A testimony to the longevity of the Ancient Greek modes and the Latin modes in the era of the Baroque
18:30 20:00
Ensemble of the Conservatorio Frescobaldi (Ferrara)

Saturday, Nov 10th
9:00 12:00
Keynote Speech 4 Michael DODDS (Winston-Salem)
French vs. German contributions to two-mode theory, 1680-1720
Matthew HALL (Ithaca)
Telemann’s View of a Hybrid Modal-Tonal Space
Patrice NICOLAS (Moncton)
A lesson in improvisation given by J. S. Bach to his son Wilhelm Friedemann
Sara DIECI (Bologna) Francesco TASINI (Ferrara)
Il «Libro ad uso delle Organiste delle Madri Molto Reverende di S. Cristina» di Bologna: una fonte inedita per la prassi liturgica di metà Settecento
12:00 13:00
Free debate and conclusions