International Doctorate in Quaternary and Prehistory

The International Doctorate in Quaternary and Prehistory (IDQP)'s objective is to train young researchers at a high scientific level, opened, with a naturalistic approach to multi-and inter-disciplinary to the major scientific debates that animate the international scientific community in terms of human evolution.

IDQP partnership constituted by the Università di Ferrara (UNIFE) (Coordinator), the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle  in Paris (MNHN), the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), with the support of the Instituto Politecnico de Tomar (IPT),  meet the requirement for postgraduate training for intersectoral and interdisciplinary study of the factors (climatic, geological, cultural) that interacts with the evolution of our species.
The IDQP open to students an integrated set of research topics, scientific equipment, prehistoric sites and heritage collections, accompanied by a high level scientific support. A feature of the IDQP be structuring his training at three levels: a basic uniform, specific training and cross training.

Student mobility is designed at different levels: 1) mobility of 12 months in a partner institution, 2) mobility of medium duration (3 months) within private or public companies outside the partnership; 3) mobility short-term (1 month), in a second institution partner or associate.

These mobilities are many beneficial experiences for the establishment of a CV of excellence for students, which will be added disclosure requirements, participation in international scientific meetings and making direct contact with potential employers. The Consortium deliver a multiple title (double or triple) as follows: 1) if students do their mobility within one of the partner institutions, they will get the title of Doctor of the first institution and the one of the second institution, 2) if students do their mobility within two partner institutions, they will get the title of Doctor of the first institution of enrollment and the  one of the others two institutions.

The participation fees will be € 6,000 for three years (2000 € per year). No difference is made between EU candidates and Third Countries, scholarship or non-scholarship holders.Many facilities (language courses, constant tutoring, free access to all university facilities, full support for the excavations, Wifi, computer rooms, etc ... ) are provided for the  IDQP students, they aims is to create a comfortable environment where PhD students can work to the best of their ability.

For further information please go to the official website.